Art and Self Blog

Let me reintroduce myself…

Let me reintroduce myself…

You may have noticed over the years a shift in the things I am talking about in my emails and podcasts and programs. I have undergone a dramatic shift in my identity, in my values, in what it means to truly follow my intuition and live my most authentic life. To live...

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How to Feel Your Feelings

How to Feel Your Feelings

My skin was hurting last week. It’s not a new thing. When this happens, it feels raw, kind of prickly, like I have waves of energy just under my skin, trying to push their way out.  Electricity. Something was definitely trying to come out, and I was not letting...

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Finding Your Spark

Finding Your Spark

When I close my eyes and listen deep within me, I envision a little girl cupping her hands around a precious, glowing ball of light. I intuitively know that she is the keeper of my creativity. She is the protector of my spark, energy, and passion. It is her job to...

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We need art for that.

We need art for that.

I was talking with a friend last night about how I can get intimidated and feel “less than” certain confident people who can very easily articulate why they believe a certain thing with facts and figures, societal impact, pros and cons, etc. I can deeply feel what I...

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How can you allow the low?

How can you allow the low?

Last week, I was on fire creatively. I was wrapped up in the energy and excitement of my work, having fun conversations on the podcast, connecting with the lovely members of the new Creativity Cocoon, meeting with new coaching clients and relishing in the exciting...

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What is possible for you?

What is possible for you?

I’m at the part of my book that explains my growth in the last 5 or so years, and it’s really fascinating to try to put this into a narrative that makes sense since so much of this growth was internal—many small shifts that lead to other small shifts than lead to...

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my 2023 word of the year: artist

my 2023 word of the year: artist

A student says to me, "I am not an artist." Immediately I reply, "Of course you are an artist. You are making art right?" How is it so easy for me to claim to other people, "of course you are an artist"—those who paint at night after working in finance all day, those...

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How to Get Unstuck

How to Get Unstuck

In the last session of the Art Connection Circle, one of the participants was feeling very stuck in her life. She felt her identities of wife, mom, and teacher overshadowed her own wants and dreams for her life. With more than twenty years of teaching under her belt...

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